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Mgr. Jan Balarin, Ph.D.

External researchers

Jan Balarin, Ph.D., is an attorney and research fellow at the Center for Comparative Law of the Charles University in Prague. Jan Balarin received his Ph.D. in civil procedure at the Charles University in 2011. Aside from civil litigation, Jan’s research focus is contractual law. Recently, he concentrates on the topic of collective enforcement of rights and is a member of the legislative committee on a group litigation law in the Czech Republic. Jan Balarin was engaged in preparatory works for the new Czech Civil Code, signed into law in 2012, and published on various subjects in that context (such as good faith and fiduciary contracts). Jan made his research (i.a.) at the Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht in Hamburg and assisted also in several international projects (such as the Study Group on a European Civil Code).

Publications (3)


Tichý L., Pipková P., Balarin J., Kupní smlouva v novém občanském zákoníku (Purchase Contract in the New Civil Code), C. H. Beck Praha 2014, 5035


Tichý L., Balarin J., Kolektivní ochrana procesních práv v ČR: sen či skutečnost? (Collective Protection of Procedural Rights in the Czech Republic: A dream or reality? (Draft legal regulation and its reasoning), Bulletin advokacie, 3/2013, 17–25


Tichý L., Balarin J., Představuje protiprávní rozsudek vždy překážku věci rozsouzené? (Stellt ein widerrechtliches Urteil immer eine res iudicata dar?). Právní rozhledy, 17, 2009, 18, 639–648