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Dr. Rita Simon, LL.M., B.A.

Academic and research staff

Rita Simon studied law at the Law Faculty of ELTE University Budapest and holds PhD-degree in Competition Law at the University of Cologne (2005) for her thesis on the competition supporting-regulation of liberalized network industries. She also completed a Master in European and International Law (LL.M.) at the University of Cologne in 2001, and a postgraduate Business Administration Studies at the CorvinusUniversity for Economics, Budapest in 2002.

She worked for various German institutions such as the Centre for European Integration Studies, Bonn (Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung, ZEI), Eastern Law Institute, University of Cologne (Institut für Ostrecht), and was Visiting Researcher in 1999-2000 at the Law Centre for European and International Cooperation in Cologne (Rechtszentrum für Europäische und Internationale Zusammenarbeit, RIZ). She served as an associate of the Hungarian Ministry of Justice (Bureau for Civil Law-Codification) and was Trainee within German Federal Cartel Authority. For the PhD-studies she received a research scholar at Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2002-2005), and she was a senior research fellow in Donau-Institut at Andrássy University Budapest in 2013.

Publications (3)


Simon, R., Country reports- Czech Republic,  In Wais H. / Pfeiffer Th. (eds.), Judicial Review of Commercial Contracts – A Handbook, C.H. Beck, (In Gemeinschaft mit Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden und Hart Publishing, Oxford), 500 s., ISBN 978-3-406-74398-6, s. 9-35


Simon, R., Consumer Protection and Public Interest, in Tichý, L., Potacs, M. (eds.), Public Interest in Law, Intersentia Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago 2021, 271-287


Tichý L., Sik–Simon R., A Cseh Köztársaság új Polgári Törvénykönyve  – kritikus vázlat Magyar Jog (The new Czech Civil Code with a critical eye), HVG Orac Kiadó, Budapest, 12/2013,  748–753
