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Mgr. Tomáš Troup, LL.M.

Academic and research staff

He studied law at the Law Faculty of Charles University in Prague. In 2006-2007, he completed LL.M. at the Université de Montréal in Quebec. Since 2003 until now he works in advocacy. It specializes in litigation and especially in disputes related to insolvency law. In these areas he achieved the several precedent-setting court decisions, later published in the Collection of judgments and opinions. Since 2014 he, as an external collaborator, participates in the activities of the Centre for Comparative Law. He publishes primarily about insolvency law.

Publications (6)


Tichý, L., Tomáš Troup, K základním otázkám svěřenského fondu (reakce na kritiku) (To the basic issues of the trust fund (reaction to criticism)), Bulletin advokacie 1-2/2022, 51–60

Tichý, L., Troup, T., To the basic issues of the trust fund (reaction to criticism), Bulletin advokacie 1–2/2022, 51–60

Tichý, L., Tomáš Troup, K základním otázkám svěřenského fondu (reakce na kritiku) (To the basic issues of the trust fund (reaction to criticism)), Bulletin advokacie 1-2/2022, 51–60

Tichý, L., Troup, T., To the basic issues of the trust fund (reaction to criticism), Bulletin advokacie 1–2/2022, 51–60


Frössel, A., Troup, T., Public Interest in Insolvency Law, in Tichý, L., Potacs, M. (eds.), Public Interest in Law, Intersentia Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago 2021, 247-267


Tichý, L., Troup, T., překlad článku R. Uerpmann–Wittzacka, Veřejný zájem jako klíčový pojem či prázdná floskule (translation of an article, R. Uerpmann–Wittzack, Public Interest – a key term or an empty phrase?), Správní právo 3/2020, 176–188


Tichý, L., Troup, T., překlad článku A. Frössela, K protiprávnosti vědomého zásahu do obligačního práva na nabytí nemovitosti (translation of an article, A. Frössel, Liability for Intentional Interferences with Contractual Rights Relating to Real Estate Property), Právník 10/2019, 934–950


Tichý L., Maslowski, Troup T. (eds.), Zneužití práva (Abuse of Rights), Praha 2016, 298
